Start your work with 3D Visioner from pressing "3D" button.
To rotate the scene, just left click on it and move the mouse, holding left button pressed. The scene rotates around a pivot. To set a pivot to a center of interesting page, double click in that page. To set a pivot to a center of entire project, double click somewhere in empty space.
To move the scene, just hold Shift key and drag the scene, holding left button pressed.
To zoom the scene in, right click within the scene and drag the rectangle to fit an area to be zoomed. Or just rotate mouse wheel.
To change vertical distance between pages, hold Ctrl key and rotate mouse wheel.
To change curvature of links, hold Shift key and rotate mouse wheel.
When you click on some shape, it immediately appears selected in Visio. Same with pages. So, for example, if you need to delete some shape from some page not in view in Visio, just click on that shape in 3D and press Del key.
When you click on some page in Visio, it immediately becomes active in 3D Visioner.
To create hyperlink just select hyperlink creation tool and make two right-clicks: on source and destination shapes. That's all.